Can FileBound Forms Do Data Lookups?

Starting with FileBound version 7.5.x you can do form lookups.

Form Lookups
A Lookups tab was added to form settings and allows users to create data lookups for forms. Lookups allow the system to auto-complete form fields based on a field match with an existing FileBound project.

Use Case: You have a form that contains several fields for employee information and you have an employee project that stores information about all of your employees. You can use the employee project as the Lookup Project and have form fields, such as First Name, Last Name, Address, and Manager, automatically populate when the employee ID entered on the form matches an employee ID in the employee project.

Items of Note:
• Data lookups can be used on both submission and view/edit forms.
• A single form can have multiple data lookups.
• Data lookups can be mapped to option list fields. Multiple results will populate the option list.



Here are some screenshots for an example Form Lookup.