SQL Script to List Indexing Queue Document Information

The SQL script below will generate a report of indexing queue information for your FileBound site.  It will list the User Name, Email Address, Date Filed, Document ID, Document Extension (i.e. pdf), # of Pages & the status of the document.  It is sorted by User Name and then date filed.  

select Users.UserName, Users.Email, Documents.DateFiled, Documents.DocumentID, Documents.Extension, documents.Pages, Documents.Status from Documents Left Join Users on Documents.UserFiled = Users.UserID where Documents.Status like '5%' order by Users.UserName, Documents.DateFiled

Below is a snapshot of the results on a Test FileBound instance with 3 documents that are in the Indexing Queue.  The status meanings in the FileBound Documents Table can be reviewed from this link.  All of the document status values that begin with “5” have to do with the Indexing Queue.