How to start the auto-counter at a specific number.

There is an auto-counter type index field in a project, and the customer would like this number to start off at a specific number. How can this be done?

You can determine the number in which an auto-counter will start by following the steps noted below.

  1. In your project settings, make sure that the index field that you will convert into your auto-counter is first set to a number field type.
  2. Add an initial file into the FileBound project and input a number in this field. This will be your "starting number".
    1. This step is important because you have to keep in mind that when you flip this index field to an auto counter, THEN ADD your next file, it will actually be one number higher than what you first picked. If you truly want your "first auto counter number" to be 100, then you will need to save your first file before turning auto counter on as 99.
  3. After your initial file is saved, go into the project settings and change the index type from number to auto-counter.
  4. Your next saved file to FileBound will now go off of the auto counter and will assign it the next available number.