How to do a Full Text Search in FileBound

The full text search operation searches the contents of a document as extracted by the Optical Character Recognition (Site-OCR) automation process.

Note: Documents need to be OCR'd and the 'Enable Full Text Search' option needs to be selected by an Administrator for the project before full text searches can be performed.
  1. On the Navigation menu, click Search.
  2. Click Advanced Search Options to expand the section.

  3. Enter the full text search criteria in the Full Text box or click Options to open the Full Text Search String Builder .

  4. Click Update.
  5. Click Search.

Full text search examples

Search Type

Search Input

Matched Results

Inflectional Value Fox Fox or Foxes
Exact Value ~Fox Fox
Inflectional Phrase Large Brown Fox Page must contain Large OR Larger OR Largest AND Brown or Browning AND Fox OR Foxes, position and order is ignored.
Exact Phrase* ~”Large Brown Fox” Page must contain Large Brown Fox, all three words must be present in this order.
Exact Value OR Value ~Fox OR Wolf Page must contain the word Fox or Wolf.
Exact Phrase OR Phrase ~”Large Brown Fox” OR “Large Grey Wolf” Page must contain either phrase.
Exact Value AND Value ~Fox AND Wolf Page must contain both values.
Exact Phrase AND Phrase ~”Large Brown Fox” AND “Large Grey Wolf” Page must contain both phrases.
Exact Value NEAR Value ~Fox NEAR Wolf Page must contain both values, results are ranked according to how close the values are to each other.
Exact Phrase NEAR Phrase ~”Large Brown Fox” NEAR “Large Grey Wolf” Page must contain both phrases, results are ranked according to how close the values are to each other.
Value Beginning ~”Fox*” Foxes or Foxes, any word starting with the letters FOX
Phrase Beginning ~”Large Brown Fox*” Would match “Large Brown Fox” or “Larger Brown Foxes”. The begins is applied to all words in the phrase.

*FileBound will still highlight each individual word in the phrase, even when the word is found outside of the phrase.