FileBound Recycle Bin – Clicking Restore Does Not Restore File

Environment: FileBound v7.x & 8.x

Trying to restore a file from the recycle bin does not restore it, and the date deleted gets updated to the current date.


  1. Go to Administration --> Projects --> Edit Project you wish to restore file to.
  2. Make note of the File Merge configuration.
  3. If it is set to merge, temporarily switch it to 'Doe Not Merge, Create New Files’ and save.
  4. Restore the file again, you should now be able to.
  5. If you had made changes to the file merge options in step 3, feel free to change them back at this point.


You can restore deleted files from the recycle bin. In the event that you are restoring the file, and find that the file still cannot be found in the project, then there is a chance that the item is merging (due to a merge setting configured in the project).

For example, let’s say your project is set to merge on the key field. A file is deleted, but between deletion and restoration, another file with the same key value may already be in the project. If you then restore a file from the recycle bin and restore the deleted item, you will not have any visual indication that this item was restored. This is due to the merge setting.